Monday Musings

Down the Rabbit Hole, or Why There’s No New Possession Column Today

Over the past few days, I started my research on what was to be the next installment in my series on possession. Specifically, I began researching two categories of modern ‘benign possession’, that are accepted by many in the western world. I was looking into spiritualist mediumship (which I already know a few things about), and alien contactee channeling.

It was when I began gathering materials for alien contactees who channel one or more aliens that I fell down the rabbit hole. Here was Ashtar, and Seth, and the Galactic Federation of Light, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It’s a tangled web, one that I need to untangle before I can properly examine it.

But I’ve been thinking about a central question regarding alien channelers–if, indeed, this is a form of benign possession, is there any evidence that the entities being channeled are any different from a medium or shaman’s ‘spirit guide’, or an entity speaking through the participants in a Ouija board session?

As I untangle the knots in preparation for the next full article, that’s where my thoughts lie. What if it all–mediums, channelers, voudou practitioners, Ouija board entities…what if they’re all essentially the same thing? The same group of entities (which may number in the thousands or more), hanging out in a different plane, having a laugh at our expense?

I know it’s a cynical thought, and I don’t necessarily subscribe to it. But I truly think it’s in the realm of possibility.

I was born the summer after the Mothman and the year before the Moon Landing. I've been fascinated by Forteana as long as I can remember, beginning with my brother's books on real haunted houses (Borley Rectory!), and continuing with my 3rd grade discovery of Kenneth Arnold's 1947 UFO encounter. Throughout my life, my capacity to stop, think, and wonder has only grown, and I created the Armchair Fortean for those of us who prefer a comfy chair to late night Sasquatch hunts. Never stop learning!

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