Monday Musings

Into the Mystic? My Recent Encounter With Numerology

For someone who is fascinated by all things Fortean, from ghosts to UFOs to psychic phenomena and things that go bump in the night, I’ve had precious few experiences in my own life. Sure, there was the time when some compatriots and I heard something running around a loft when we knew there was no one up there. Or the time when a few of us, driving late at night, saw a weird, unnatural glow emanating from a draw a few miles from the main road. But those are extreme outliers in what has been a mundane life, as least as it pertains to Forteana.

About two weeks ago, though, something happened that could well fall under the category of actual synchronicity. I’ll provide a bit of background, and then explain.

I’ve recently taken to repeating affirmations as I walk around the house. The exact nature of these, I’ll keep to myself, but the simple fact is that positive affirmations can, at least, help to change the way you think about certain things in your life. So, in an attempt to change my thinking a bit, I’ve been reciting a couple of affirmations. It’s not like I’ve seen data on whether or not it can help, but it certainly can’t hurt. (I’ve had a little bit of luck with it…further observation is needed to see if said change rises above the level of chance.)

So there’s that.

Now, here’s what started happening about two weeks ago. I began seeing 11:11 just about everywhere. It was the time I turned the lights out at night. It was the moment I looked at the clock on the news channel. It even seemed to turn up in my reading, where two sets of double L’s (‘ll’) were stacked on each other in an article I was reading. That is, there was a set on one line, and directly below it, on the next line, there was another.

It was odd.

I’ve never been much into numerology, other than to note how certain numbers repeatedly play themselves out in nature, folklore, and ‘magical’ practices. But I decided to do a bit of research, and see what I came up with. According to Aletheia Luna, AKA Lonerwolf, writing on the site, 11:11 is a sign of spiritual awakening, of moving forward, of changes on the path to enlightenment. According to commenters on, it involves ‘following your passion to find your purpose,’ guided by angels or spirit guides. I skimmed a couple of other articles I found, and contemporary thought seems to agree with Lonerwolf and WillowSoul. (It feels a bit strange writing those names, but who am I to judge? I call myself The Armchair Fortean.)

So, why am I giving this significance? Because the 11:11’s started up both a) after I’d begun doing affirmations, and b) before I had any idea of what it meant, at least according to numerologists. I wasn’t looking for it. Of course, it can be chalked up to coincidence. But maybe, just maybe, it’s all true, and I’m beginning a spiritual awakening, a personal renaissance of sorts.

So that begs the question–do I actually feel like I’m experiencing this? Any more than accepting the idea that we’re all on our own spiritual journeys, I can’t say that I am. But I find it interesting that these two things should occur so close together…affirmations followed by numbers. Perhaps there truly is an underlying pattern to the universe that influences and guides us beyond the physical realm, and affirmations and sincere prayers actually can have an impact on both ourselves and the world around us. Maybe it isn’t all chaos.

I’d like that very much.

I was born the summer after the Mothman and the year before the Moon Landing. I've been fascinated by Forteana as long as I can remember, beginning with my brother's books on real haunted houses (Borley Rectory!), and continuing with my 3rd grade discovery of Kenneth Arnold's 1947 UFO encounter. Throughout my life, my capacity to stop, think, and wonder has only grown, and I created the Armchair Fortean for those of us who prefer a comfy chair to late night Sasquatch hunts. Never stop learning!

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